

Asheville Green……Organic……Sustainable Community (prime soils)



    • Green Building Organization: www.greenbuilt.org 
    • NEW 4-LANE divided Highway 19 with landscaped medians – only 2 miles away
    • 1 to 5 ACRE home-sites
    • ELEVATION: 2600’+ to 3000’+
  • Entrance VisionSketch

    Entrance VisionSketch

    ENTRANCE & GARDENS:  Mountain Meadows entrance is bordered by a cedar split-rail fence, large boulders, plants all around, and winding Crooked Creek. The Organic GARDENS area plus a Poultry Patch are to the right of the entrance, both with vehicular access. The GARDENS are designated for the bottom land by the Creek for community vegetables and such. Some Pear trees, Cherry trees, Apple trees, and Berries are planted in and near the area just past the bridge on the left and right. The Poultry Patch is Creekside near Bernie & Sandy’s barn and is available for those Homeowners who desire a habitat for “laying hens” and fryers (broilers) for a community meat and egg source – small building permitted, easy access, substantial separation from all homes

  • BOTTOM LAND:  Bottom land is where our organic garden areas and orchards by Crooked Creek reside. Bottom land is often referred to as “prime soils,” a limited and valuable resource. Prime soils comprise only 2% of soil in the Southern Appalachians and is the perfect combination of clay, silt, sand, and organic matter. Bottom land is flat terrain located in just the perfect place between water and mountains and is blessed with the rich soil needed for growing vibrant and healthy crops.
  • BOUNDARY STAKES that separate the 30 lots are in RED
  • SOUTH FACING for optimal solar advantage and Mountain Meadows has its own watershed (ridges surround the land)
  • DRIVEWAYS in-place for most Lots and graded to a Turnaround
  • UNDERGROUND UTILITIES to all lot lines include Country Cable and/or French Broad Electric high-speed internet, Frontier telephone to some homes, and French Broad Electric
  • PRE-PERCOLATION for 3 bedroom homes is complete for the septic systems on 19 Lots. According to the Health Department, Mountain Meadows is the first Subdivision in Madison County to “perk” the first time – Re-perking may be required subject to various conditions
  • GreenBuilt NC, or LEED Certified homes only – we are a Green community